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2pages, 74 results in yourMediumsearch for"pen and brown ink on laid paper"Advanced Search
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Sketch of Octagon Recess with Columns. Creator: George Cruikshank.
Altarpiece of the Madonna and Child with Saints, in Its Architectural Setting, 1528/1537. Creator: Perino del Vaga.
Figure Studies [recto], c. 1530/1540. Creator: Perino del Vaga.
Rider and Standing Draped Man, after the Antique [verso], c. 1500. Creator: Perugino.
Figure of an Archer [recto], c. 1500. Creator: Perugino.
A Pregnant Young Woman and a Young Man with a Staff, 1750s. Creator: Giovanni Battista Piranesi.
An Old Man with a Cape and a Rustic with a Backpack, 1750s. Creator: Giovanni Battista Piranesi.
Study for The Battle of La Hogue [recto], 1778. Creator: Benjamin West.
A Party in a Roman Villa [recto]. Creator: Pirro Ligorio.
Studies for the Rape of the Sabine Women [verso]. Creator: Pirro Ligorio.
Saint Agnes (verso), 1485/1495. Creator: Master of the Drapery Studies.
Saint Christopher, Saint John the Baptist, the Virgin and Child, and Christ Blessing (recto), 1485/1 Creator: Master of the Drapery Studies.
Caricatures of Clerics and Priests, 1640s or 1650s(?). Creator: Pier Francesco Mola.
Caricature with Mola Protecting Himself from a Man Holding a Viper. Creator: Pier Francesco Mola.
Sheet of Studies with a Soldier Drawing a Sword, a Crucifix, Monstrous Animals..., other Figures. Creator: Unknown.
Studies for a Biblical Scene with God the Father Appearing to a Bearded Male..., mid-17th Century. Creator: Unknown.
An Elderly Man with a Flowing Beard. Creator: Unknown.
Bare Tree [verso]. Creator: Fra Bartolomeo.
Two Friars on a Hillside [recto]. Creator: Fra Bartolomeo.
Head of a Man. Creator: Domenico Campagnola.
Head of a Man. Creator: Domenico Campagnola.
A Landscape with a Domed Building. Creator: Remigio Cantagallina.
Landscape with Two Washerwomen, 1580s. Creator: Agostino Carracci.
Head of a Faun in a Concave Roundel, probably c. 1595. Creator: Agostino Carracci.
Woodland River with a Boat, c. 1590. Creator: Agostino Carracci.
Seated Male Nude [recto], 1600/1602. Creator: Agostino Carracci.
The Centaur Family, 1505. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Male Nude with a Lion [verso], c. 1500. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Virgin Annunciate, 1495/1499. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Female Nude Praying, 1497/1500. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Male Nude Holding a Mirror [recto], c. 1500. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Heads of Two Bishops, 1770s-1780s. Creator: Gaetano Gandolfi.
The Attitudes of Lady Hamilton. Creator: Pietro Antonio Novelli.
Nude Man Seen from Behind [verso]. Creator: Jacopo Palma.
Studies for an Annunciation [recto]. Creator: Jacopo Palma.
The Infant Shakespeare Nursed by Comedy and Tragedy, 1783. Creator: George Romney.
The Blindfolding of Cupid, after 1797. Creator: George Romney.
An Elegant Lady in Classical Dress [recto], 1780s. Creator: George Romney.
Figure Studies [verso], 1780s. Creator: George Romney.
Maniere d'exposer les nobles apres leur mort. Creator: Gabriel de Saint-Aubin.
Classical Figures Gathered around an Urn, 1724/1729. Creator: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.
Landscape with a Waterfall. Creator: Guercino.
Landscape with Fortress and River, second half 18th century. Creator: Guercino.
Horseman with Peasant. Creator: Giuseppe Bernardino Bison.
Holy Family with Saint Anne and Female Head in Profile. Creator: Donato Creti.
Female Figure (Penitent Magdalene?) [verso]. Creator: Donato Creti.
Magdalene Washing the Feet of Christ with Eight Disciples Looking On [recto]. Creator: Donato Creti.
Virgin and Child with Five Saints. Creator: Donato Creti.
Allegory of the Life of a Scholar in a Rich Household [fol. 3 verso / 4 recto], c. 1512/1515. Creator: Unknown.
Palatial Mantelpiece with a Scene of Ancient Sacrifice [recto], 1571. Creator: Unknown.
Palatial Mantelpiece with Mercury and Hope [recto], 1571. Creator: Unknown.
Landscape with Trees and Craggy Rocks. Creator: Franz Kobell.
Pastoral Landscape with a Waterfall and a Temple. Creator: Franz Kobell.
Landscape. Creator: Franz Kobell.
Dancing Putto Holding a Drapery, c. 1493/1497. Creator: Filippino Lippi.
Do Not Sit on the Grain Measure [fol. 12 recto], c. 1512/1515. Creator: Unknown.
Hope, Reaching for Heaven, Stands among Sad and Happy Men, Joys...[fol. 19 recto], c1512/1515. Creator: Unknown.
Help Him Who Takes up His Burden, Not Him Who Lays It down [fol. 31 recto], c. 1512/1515. Creator: Unknown.
Do Not Give Your Right Hand to All and Sundry [fol. 13 recto], c. 1512/1515. Creator: Unknown.
You Are Shooting at Heaven [fol. 9 recto], c. 1512/1515. Creator: Unknown.